While my first serious hospitalization for breathing/lung issues was in January 2010, I've had pulmonary problems for a while. I had three spontaneous pneumothoraces (collapsed lungs) in my 30's and 40's and finally had surgery to correct what was apparently a congenital defect on my left lung. You can check out this link if you're interested, but you're probably not and I don't blame you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumothorax. Anyway, I rolled merrily along for a while and then many years later my doctor insisted that I have asthma. Nonsense, I thought; who gets asthma in their fifties? Apparently me. I know, I know, it's "apparently I" but that sounds like I'm quite full of myself, so grammar be damned. I'm tired (I'm very anemic so I nap a lot; G-d, I feel like I'm 100 years old!) so I'm gonna stop now and hopefully continue IY"H tomorrow. I'll fast forward to October 2008, when I was wheeled out of my office on a gurney for the first time. See ya then.
Lol- thats a funny picture of lungs